Bayou Bend - Education Bayou Bend MFAH

Books & Articles

Bayou Bend


Barnstone, Howard. The Architecture of John F. Staub: Houston and the South. Austin, Texas: Published in cooperation with the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston [by] the University of Texas Press, 1979. (NA 737 .S635 B 37) [Information on Bayou Bend, pp. 106-113]

Brown, Michael K. "A Boston Tambour Desk." Antiques 151 (Jan. 1997): 202-205.

Brown, Michael K. "A Decade of Collecting at Bayou Bend." Antiques 128 (Sept. 1985): 514-525.

Byrne-Dodge, Teresa. "Ima Hogg's Legacy." Americana 13 (Sept./Oct. 1985): 34-35, 38.


McGarry, Susan Hallsten. "The Bayou Bend Collection." Southwest Art 23 (Oct. 1993): 89-93.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. A Permanent Legacy: 150 Works from the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (1st ed.). New York: Hudson Hills Press in association with the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1989. (N576.H7 A63 1989)


Sack, Harold. American Treasure Hunt: The Legacy of Israel Sack. Boston: Little, Brown, 1986. (NK 1133.26 .S33 S3 1986) [Information on Miss Hogg, pp. 171-183]

Stillinger, Elizabeth. The Antiquers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. (NK 805 .S69 1980) [Information on Miss Hogg, pp. 252-254]

W Warren, David B. Bayou Bend: American Furniture, Paintings and Silver From the Bayou Bend Collection. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1975. (N 6505 .W3 1975)

Warren, David B. Bayou Bend: The Interiors and the Gardens. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1988. (N6505.W32 1988)

Warren, David B. "American Decorative Arts in Texas: The Bayou Bend Collection." Antiques 90 (1966): 796-815.

Warren, David B. "The Empire Style at Bayou Bend: New Period Rooms in Houston." Antiques 97 (1970): 122-127.

Warren, David B. "A Great Texas Collection of Americana." Connoisseur (Sept.1971): 36-55.

Warren, David B. "Ima Hogg, Collector." Antiques 121 (1982): 228-243.

Warren, David B. "The Jordan Family of Georgia and Their Belter Parlor Furniture. Antiques 154 (1998): 826-833.

Warren, David B. "The Reopening of Bayou Bend in Houston, Texas." Antiques 144 (Sept. 1993): 328-337.

Warren, David B., Michael K. Brown, Elizabeth Ann Coleman, and Emily Ballew Neff. American Decorative Arts and Paintings in the Bayou Bend Collection. Princeton, New Jersey: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston in association with the Princeton University Press, 1998. (NK 805 .A675 1998)

Warren, David B., Katherine S. Howe, and Michael K. Brown. Marks of Achievement: Four Centuries of American Presentation Silver. New York: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in association with Harry N. Abrams, 1987. (NK 7112 .W37 1987)

Winchester, A. "Early American in Texas." Antiques (1961): 236-237.


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