Bayou Bend - Education Bayou Bend MFAH

Books & Articles

Fine Arts


B     Breen, T.H. "The Meaning of Likeness," Word and Image 6 (October-December 1990): 325-350. [Excellent article]
C Craven, Wayne. Colonial American Portraiture. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. (N7593.1 .C73 1986)
L Lovell, Margaretta. "Reading Eighteenth-Century American Family Portraits: Social Images and Self-Images." Winterthur Portfolio 22 (Winter 1987): 243-264.
Lovell, Margaretta. "The Terre Inconnue of the Colonial Face." Winterthur Portfolio 24 (Spring 1989): 69-76.
N Nygren, Edward. Views and Visions: American Landscape before 1830. Washington, D.C.: The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1986. (N8214.5 U6 N9 1986)
Q Quick, Michael, Marvin Sadik, and William Gerdts. American Portraiture in the Grand Manner: 1720-1920. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1981. (ND 1311 .A47)
Quimby, Ian, ed. American Painting to 1776: A Reappraisal. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia for the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1971. (ND 207 .W5 1971)
R Rebora, Carrie and Paul Staiti, et al. John Singleton Copley in America. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995. (ND 237 .C7 A4 1995)
S Saunders, Richard H. John Smibert: Colonial America's First Portrait Painter. New Haven and London: Barra Foundation/Yale University Press, 1995. (NS 237 .S59 S28)
Saunders, Richard, and Ellen Miles. American Colonial Portraits, 1700-1776. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1987. (N 7593.1 .S28 1987)
Y Yunginger, Jennifer A. Is She or Isn't He: Identifying Gender in Folk Portraits of Children. Sandwich, MA: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, 1995. (ND 1329.3 C45 Y86 1995) [Helpful in understanding the Peale portrait of a little boy]





Fowble, E. McSherry. Two Centuries of Prints in America, 1680-1880. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1987. (NE 625 .H46 1987) [Good information on many of our prints]
S Sandweiss, Martha A., Rick Stewart, and Ben W. Huseman. Eyewitness to War: Prints and Daguerrotypes of the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum; Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989. (E 415.2 A78 A47 1989) [Good information on our Mexican War prints]


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