Bayou Bend - Education Bayou Bend MFAH

Books & Articles


C     Cummings, Abbot Lowell. Rural Household Inventories: Establishing the Names, Uses and Furnishings in the Colonial New England Home, 1675-1775. Boston: Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1964. (F 7 .C94)
M Mayhew, Edgar de N. and Minor Myers. A Documentary History of American Interiors from the Colonial Era to 1915. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1980. (NK 2002 .M39 1980) [See esp. pp. 3-147, 181-192.]
T Thornton, Peter. Authentic Decor: The Domestic Interior, 1620-1920. New York: Viking, 1984. (NK 1860 .T49 1984)
  Thornton, Peter. Seventeenth-Century Interior Decoration in England, France, and Holland. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978. (NK 2043 .T45)


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