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Books & Articles

Social History


Belden, Louise Conway. The Festive Tradition: Table Decoration and Desserts in America, 1650-1900. New York and London: W.W. Norton, a Winterthur Book, 1983. (TX 879 B44 1983)
Brown, Peter B. In Praise of Hot Liquors: The Study of Chocolate, Coffee, and Tea-Drinking, 1600-1850: An Exhibition at Fairfax House, York, 1st September to 20th November 1995. York, England: York Civic Trust, 1995. (GT 2880 .B76 1995)
Buel, Joy Day and Richard Buel, Jr. The Way of Duty: A Woman and her Family in Revolutionary America. New York: Norton, 1984. (CT 275 .F573 B83 1984) [Excellent adaptation of an 18th-century woman's letters and diaries]
Bushman, Richard L. "Popular Culture and Popular Taste in Classical America." In Classical Taste in America, 1800-1840, ed. Wendy Cooper, pp. 14-23. New York: Abbeville Press and the Baltimore Museum of Art, 1993. (N 6510.5 .N4 C66 1993)
Bushman, Richard L. The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. (E 162 .B986 1992)
C Carson, Barbara G. Ambitious Appetites: Dining Behavior, and Patterns of Consumption in Federal Washington. Washington, D.C.: The American Institute of Architects Press, 1990. (F 196 .C33 1990)
Coleman, Feay Shellman. Nostrums for Fashionable Entertainments: Dining in Georgia, 1800-1850. Savannah: Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1992. (NK 2117 .C65)
F Flaherty, D.H. Privacy in Colonial New England. Charlottesville, 1972. (JC 539 U52 A113 1972)
G Garrett, Elisabeth Donaghy. At Home: The American Family 1750-1870. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990. (TX 23 .G37 1989) [Great illustrations and quotations]
H Hall, David D. and David Grayson Allen, eds. Seventeenth-Century New England. Boston: The Colonial Society of Massachusetts and the University Press of Virginia, 1984. (F 7 .S455 1984)
Hutchins, Catherine E., ed. Everyday Life in the New Republic. Winterthur, DE: The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1994. (E 164 E94 1994)
K Kellogg, Susan and Steven Mintz. Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life. New York: The Free Press, 1988. (HQ 535 .M46 1988)
L Larkin, Jack. The Reshaping of Everyday Life, 1790-1840. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1988. (E 164 .L27 1989)
  Lynes, Russell. The Tastemakers: The Shaping of American Popular Taste. 1955. Reprint. New York: Dover Publications, 1980. (N 6505 .L96 1980)
N Norton, M.B. "The Small Circle of Domestic Concerns." In Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750-1800, ed. M.B. Norton, pp. 3-39. Toronto: Little, Brown & Co., 1980. (Not at Bayou Bend)
  Nylander, Jane C. Our Own Snug Fireplace: Images of the New England Home, 1760-1860. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. (F 8 .N95 1993) [Excellent]
R Roth, Rodris. "Tea Drinking in Eighteenth-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage." In Material Life in America, 1600-1860, ed. Robert St. George, pp. 439-462. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988. (E 161 M36 1988) [Excellent article]
S Smith, Barbara Clark. After the Revolution: the Smithsonian History of Everyday Life in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Random House, Inc., 1985. (E 163 .S63 1985)
  Sutherland, Daniel E. The Expansion of Everyday Life, 1860-1876. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1989. (E 168 .S957 1990)
T Thomas, Gertrude Z. Richer than Spices. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. (DA 380 .T5 1965)
U Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1730. New York: Vintage Books, 1982. (HQ 1438 .N35 U47 1991)
W Ward, Gerald W.R. "'Avarice and Conviviality:' Card Playing in Federal America." In The Work of Many Hands: Card Tables in Federal America, 1790-1820, ed. Benjamin Hewitt et al., pp. 15-38. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1982. (NK 2740 .H48 1982) [Excellent]
  Williams, Susan. Savory Suppers and Fashionable Feasts: Dining in Victorian America. New York: Pantheon Books in association with the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum, 1985. (TX 715 .W7293 1985)


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