A |
Kenneth L. and Gerald W.R. Ward, eds. Decorative Arts and Household
Furnishings in America, 1650-1920: An Annotated Bibliography. Winterthur,
DE: The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1989. (Z 5956.D3 D43
1989) |
B |
David L. American Tables and Looking Glasses in the Mabel Brady Garvan
and Other Collections at Yale University. New Haven: Yale University
Art Gallery, 1992. (NK 2740.B27 1992) |
Luke, ed. American Furniture. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: The Chipstone
Foundation (NK 2405 A54) [Bayou Bend has volumes 1993 to the present]
C |
Wendy A. In Praise of America: American Decorative Arts, 1650-1830.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. (NK 806 .C63 1980) |
D |
Marshall B., ed. The American Heritage History of Colonial Antiques.
New York: American Heritage Publishing Company, 1967. (NK 806 .D38) |
F |
J. Michael. American Furniture in the Kaufman Collection. Washington,
D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1986. (NK 2406 .F58 1986) |
John and Hugh Honour. The Penguin Dictionary of Decorative Arts.
2d ed. London: Viking, 1989. (NK 30 .F55 1989) |
G |
John. A Complete Dictionary of Furniture. Rev. ed. Woodstock, NY:
Overlook Press, 1991. (NK 2205 .G54 1991) |
H |
David. Innovative Furniture in America. New York: Horizon Press,
1981. (TS 805 .H3) |
Ronald L. and Jonathan Prown. Southern Furniture 1680-1830: The Colonial
Williamsburg Collection. Williamsburg, VA: The Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation, 1997. (NK 2411 .H87 1997) |
N |
Naeve, Milo M. Identifying American Furniture: A Pictorial Guide to
Styles and Terms Colonial to Contemporary. Nashville, TN: Association
for State and Local History, 1989. (NK 2405 N28) [Good basic source] Philadelphia:
Three Centuries of American Art. |
P |
Three Centuries of American Art. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum
of Art, 1976. (N 6535 P5 P5 1976) [Good essays on Philadelphia objects]
Francis J. and Michael Conforti, eds. The American Craftsman and the
European Tradition, 1620-1820. Hanover, NH: University Press of New
England for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1989. (NK 805 .A43 1989)
V |
Charles. American Furniture in the Bybee Collection. Austin: University
of Texas Press, 1989. (NK 2405 .D35 1989) |
W |
Gerald W.R. American Case Furniture in the Mabel Brady Garvan and Other
Collections at Yale University. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery,
1988. (NK 2725 .W37 1988) |
Gerald W.R., ed. American Furniture with Related Decorative Arts, 1660-1830:
The Milwaukee Art Museum and the Layton Art Collection. New York:
Hudson Hills Press, 1991. (NK 2406 .L38 1991) [Excellent introductory
essays on each period] |