Bayou Bend Photo Tour MFAH Bayou Bend

Murphy Room | Massachusetts Room | Pine Room | Drawing Room | Dining Room | Chillman Parlor | Belter Parlor | McIntire Bedroom | Chippendale Bedroom | Queen Anne Sitting Room | Federal Parlor | Newport Room
Pine Room

The furniture in the Pine Room reflects a new concern with sophisticated workmanship and elaborate ornamentation. The Puritan virtues of hard work and thrift were soon rewarded with wealth. Later colonists were lured not by the prospect of religious sanctuary, but by dreams of economic riches. By 1700, the population in the colonies had reached 275,000.

These new Americans pursued worldly goods with the same fervor that the first settlers had reserved for religion. The latest English and continental furniture designs reached eager American consumers through imports, pattern books, and immigrant craftsmen.

Pine Room
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The elegant early Baroque or William and Mary style,named for the English monarchs, began to replace the robust furniture of the seventeenth century. Furnishings were now finely crafted and stood on slender legs. Richly grained walnut replaced oak as the preferred wood.

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